
Thursday, August 30, 2018


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Orimolade became disillusioned by the uncooperative attitude of the Christians in Ikare, especially because they ridiculed him on account of his disability. He felt depressed and apprehensive about the success of his mission since it appeared likely that he would forever be physically handicapped. Overwhelmed by these thoughts, he prayed passionately one night, asking for a manifestation of God’s power. In answer to his prayer, an angel appeared to him in a dream and gave him three objects: a rod, a royal insignia and a crown. The rod signified a “rod of victory,” the insignia was “the power of prayer and power of speaking.” The crown stood for “all honour and multi-respect of every individual to bow before him, to receive blessing” [8].
When he woke up from his sleep, he knew that his prayer had been heard. He realized that his call to preach the gospel of Christ was irrevocable. “He ordered his mother to wash him (…) and from then on the gospel of Jesus Christ started without interruption. (…) He was given power over everything devilish” [9].
From this point, the activities of Orimolade were directed toward his missionary campaigns. This dream formally marked his commission to go out and preach.
The gifts which corresponded, if only remotely, to the wise men’s gifts to Jesus, became for Orimolade, symbols of authority. His campaigns began when he successfully petitioned police authorities for the release of some Christians who were involved in a clash with devotees of the traditional religion in the town. According to C & S tradition, Orimolade travelled to Kabba town where the arrested persons had been detained, and secured their release.
It then occurred to his opponents in Ikare that it would enhance their prestige if they could win him over so they decided to impress him by bestowing on him one of the priestly titles of their traditional institutions. He took advantage of this opportunity not only to reject the offer, but also to proclaim to them the Christian message. He preached with such vehemence that:
The earth opened its mouth (…) and they were all afraid and many of them ran away, but his brother Egunjobi did many rituals according to ancient customs to put the earth back to its former closure. (…) There were proclamations about the earthquake so that people from abroad came to witness the incident and his (Orimolade’s) name was as fearful as that of an invisible spirit [10].
This marked virtually the end of hostility towards him from Christians in Ikare town. The C & S insist that Christianity began to grow by leaps and bounds after that incident. Orimolade went from street to street preaching the gospel. About 1916, he made a visit to Owo where he impressed the C.M.S. Church members with his Scripture quoting ability.
It is also held that Orimolade once tried to go into the trade, by buying and selling palm oil and kola nuts as trade was flourishing between the Ikare people and Hausa traders from northern Nigeria. He was said to have travelled to a northern village called Oshokoshoko. On his way he encountered an angel who reminded him of his mission as a prophet of God, and that he should not jettison preaching for trading. He was taken ill and his companion took his report back to his people. Egunjobi, his brother, was dispatched immediately to bring him back home. But before Egunjobi reached Oshokoshoko, Orimolade had arrived back in Ikare by a means none could explain.

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