
Thursday, August 30, 2018


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Many mysteries are woven round Moses. He was said to have possessed a supernatural power that no one ever had. According to Most Superintendent Kunle Ayanfe, Moses was said to have been a special person with a supernatural power. He would get to where he and his group were going before anyone of them and they wondered how. Till he died, nobody was able to unravel the mystery.’’ According to Ayanfe ‘’ some white men who heard about his good works came to approach him to come and heal their boss in overseas. Moses refused to go with them in the aircraft they brought and promised to meet them there. Before the white men got there, he had gone and come back. When the messengers got to their boss and saw him healed and bouncing, he told them he had been healed by a man whom he described with the features of Moses, the man they came to meet in Nigeria. He had the power as he used to pass through the rock and water while people wonder how he manage to perform such a feat".
According to Prophet Adeleke Adeyanju, the founder of C&S, Moses Orimolade, by power of The Sovereign Lord established two streams which still exist till today.
1. located in Ifako Ijaye, Lagos State.
2. located in Ijoko, Ogun State.
The Ifako stream was made when a man named Coker (a community leader) told Moses Orimolade that there was no water for the people in the area to drink or wash. The area which is hilly
experienced water shortages due to its geographical location. Orimolade walked through the valley and prayed then he stuck the earth with his staff and water gushed out from the ground. He also blessed the water. The water is used for spiritual deliverance up till today. The streets are named after Orimolade and Coker
The Ijoko stream came to existence when a woman who was barren and had lost hope on ever having a child approached Moses Orimolade. The woman according to soothsayers and herbalists, would only have a child if she's ever opportune to visit Israel's Jordan River to take a bath as the only child she's destined to have has been kept there by evil forces. Moses Orimolade then walked down the Valley of Ijoko and prayed to God. He stuck his staff into the ground and commanded that the Jordan River in Israel establishes itself in the Ijoko area because of the woman. And it was so. The woman had the bath and bore a child. The river is still there till today and it is named after the Jordan River. Many have since then had their testimonies taking a bath in the river after then.

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