
Monday, September 3, 2018

SO SAD!!!!

33 years ago today, Pa. SBJ Oshoffa was involved in a ghastly accident, he NEVER died on the Spot but 9 days.
His aides Mark and Thomas died on the Spot.
May their souls rest in Peace. Amen

7 fascinating things you may not know about this church I have discovered some interesting things about the C & S church. Discover what they are.

When we think of Cherubim and Seraphim (C & S), we probably just see white garments and that's it.
But, did you know that there are a lot of interesting things about this church? I bet you didn't.
1. It started to be a prayer group: Before it became the C & S that we know today, it used to be a prayer group. In 1925, the church began as a prayer group in Lagos. It was led by a prophet, Moses Orimolade Tunolase.
Cele and C&S are white garment churches with different practices and doctrines
2. Both founders were known for jaw-dropping miracles: According to The Institute For Religious Research, the church was co-founded by Orimolade and Miss Christianah Abiodun Akinsowon. Orimolade had a couple of nicknames such as Alhaji Yisa, a Muslim's rendition of Jesus, Baba Aladura (The Praying Father), all because of his miracles and prayers. When the church was born, Akinsowon was a young girl. She crossed paths with Orimolade , when he went to her place to pray for her to come out of a trance that lasted for many days. When she came out of it, she had stories of a mysterious Celestial city. The young girl, fondly called Sister Abiodun, was eventually moved to Orimolade's house, where crowds gathered to listen to her story. In no time, the duo began to shape what we all know as the C & S. Church today.
Founder of Cherubim and Seraphim

Thursday, August 30, 2018


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Giving account of how Moses Orimolade coexisted with loyalists and followers can never be complete without a particular name being mentioned.
This episode talks about the role of MOTHER CAPTAIN ABIODUN AKINSOWON
Captain Abiodun Akinsowon was only seventeen and a half years old when she came to Moses Orimolade – by which time he had spent many years in missionary work.
Mother Captain Abiodun was in a trance from the 18th to 25th June 1925. Trance was never heard of and everybody thought she was sick or afflicted with an unknown illness.
She was a member of Rev. Ogunbiyi’s church and even he referred to her spiritual journey as something else.


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Many mysteries are woven round Moses. He was said to have possessed a supernatural power that no one ever had. According to Most Superintendent Kunle Ayanfe, Moses was said to have been a special person with a supernatural power. He would get to where he and his group were going before anyone of them and they wondered how. Till he died, nobody was able to unravel the mystery.’’ According to Ayanfe ‘’ some white men who heard about his good works came to approach him to come and heal their boss in overseas. Moses refused to go with them in the aircraft they brought and promised to meet them there. Before the white men got there, he had gone and come back. When the messengers got to their boss and saw him healed and bouncing, he told them he had been healed by a man whom he described with the features of Moses, the man they came to meet in Nigeria. He had the power as he used to pass through the rock and water while people wonder how he manage to perform such a feat".


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1. A boy who swallowed a needle vomited it when Orimolade prayed for him.
2. A lady fell into the lagoon and was delivered back alive after Orimolade prayed for her to return alive.
3. A masquerader at Obun-Eko, Lagos sent a message to Orimolade not to come and preach at Obun-Eko.
Orimolade sent back to him and gave him the date that he would be there to preach. On the faithful day, the masquerader was fully armed with his charm.
Orimolade with his entourage approached the man-reciting psalms 24 and 91 – but as the masquerade saw Orimolade approaching, he (the masquerader) collapsed and died.
On that day, the popular C&S song descended:
"Aje nse lasan ni, Kerubu a pa won run...'
Which means: - witches are labouring in vain,
Cherubim will destroy them.


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Now, let's talk about His Adventure in Lagos
According to the records of the Eternal Sacred Order of C & S Mount Zion, Ebute-Metta, Orimolade arrived in Lagos on July 12, 1924 and lodged with the sexton of Holy Trinity (Anglican) Church, Ebute-Ero, Emmanuel Olumodeji, believed to be from Orimolade’s home town or district. The Advisory Board of the C & S (with its headquarters at 94, Railway Line, Odi-Olowo, Mushin) holds that the Rev. D. J. Oguntolu of the African Church, Ojokoro in Ijaye area was the person who directed Orimolade to the Ebute-Ero Church. Senior Apostle J. 0. Coker, then a member of Holy Trinity Church, but later one of the founding members of C & S, recollected that Olumodeji and Orimolade lived together in a small building, close to the archway in the Ebute-Ero Church [28].


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His first evangelical campaign was carried out in Irun, a village a few miles from Ikare [18]. Irun is said to be noted even today for its witchcraft practices. It was thus appropriate that the one who was to found a religious society averse to witchcraft should begin his campaign in this village. Thus “he opened the seal of witchcraft and acrobatic evil performances. (…) He also pulled down the image of Osijora (one of the divinities worshipped in the village) and fought with the evil spirits operating in the area” [19].
From Irun he was transported in a hammock-chair,–because of his paralysis,–to the neighbouring villages of Akungba and Oka, where he also preached. From Oka he moved to Akoko-Edo, visiting Ikiran and Ibillo towns. At Benin, he condemned the practice of human sacrifice. In a sermon to a large crowd, he said “God created man in his own image. It is quite unjustifiable to carry out human sacrifice and furthermore it is sacrilegious” [20]. Moved by his sermon, many traditional worshippers willingly gave up their emblems, images and charms for burning.


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Our 4th episode About MOSES ORIMOLADE may seem so short, but kindly note that as short as it is, therein are some insightful lessons pointing to the fact that, LIFE itself is challenge-driven; whoever you are does not amount to you NOT HAVING LIFE CHALLENGES, and these will in turn, prepare you ahead of so many great feats ahead.
Here is an account of our MOSES ORIMOLADE was Confined by Illness.
A more independent account of this was given by Rev. E. S. Sodeinde of the African Church in a speech he read at the funeral of Orimolade on October 19, 1933.
According to Sodeinde, Orimolade was stricken by an undisclosed disease and the illness became so serious that his people abandoned him, expecting him to die. But in a dream he was assured that he would recover if he would take water drawn from a nearby stream.
This done, he began to gradually recover until he could walk again [17] but he remained a lame man for the rest of his life and, according to Phillips, he used an umbrella stick for support.


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Orimolade became disillusioned by the uncooperative attitude of the Christians in Ikare, especially because they ridiculed him on account of his disability. He felt depressed and apprehensive about the success of his mission since it appeared likely that he would forever be physically handicapped. Overwhelmed by these thoughts, he prayed passionately one night, asking for a manifestation of God’s power. In answer to his prayer, an angel appeared to him in a dream and gave him three objects: a rod, a royal insignia and a crown. The rod signified a “rod of victory,” the insignia was “the power of prayer and power of speaking.” The crown stood for “all honour and multi-respect of every individual to bow before him, to receive blessing” [8].
When he woke up from his sleep, he knew that his prayer had been heard. He realized that his call to preach the gospel of Christ was irrevocable. “He ordered his mother to wash him (…) and from then on the gospel of Jesus Christ started without interruption. (…) He was given power over everything devilish” [9].
From this point, the activities of Orimolade were directed toward his missionary campaigns. This dream formally marked his commission to go out and preach.


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The ultimate arrival of the new child brought to its parents mixed feelings.
They were happy that a new member had been added to the family but were filled with embarrassment and apprehension in view of the circumstances surrounding his birth and the incidents which occurred on the day he was born. It is said that the new child “stood up in its birth blood” desiring “to walk out three times.” However, the midwife who helped during the mother’s labour “pressed down the baby with force.” Summoned to the scene, the embarrassed father began to recite incantations which eventually calmed the excited child. He then went out to report to certain elderly people what had happened in his house [4].
This story probably is the way the United Church of Cherubim and Seraphim (C & S) accounts for Moses Orimolade’s prolonged paralysis. It is generally believed that, as a direct consequence of this incident, the boy Orimolade could neither stand nor walk until he was well over five years of age. The incantations pronounced by his father had the horrible effect of a curse which might have incapacitated him permanently. Tunolase was so frightened by this strange incident that he decided to avoid any further embarrassment by killing himself. At a family meeting, which he convened, he disclosed his intentions to do so but was condemned for his apparent cowardice. Egunjobi, one of his own children, thought it would be reasonable

About the founder of Cherubim And Seraphim....(EPISODE 1(About MOSES ORIMOLADE))

Now, let's go down the memory lane...
Saint" Moses Orimolade Tunolase, known in his boyhood days as Orimolade Okejebu, was born into the royal family of Omo’ba Ode Sodi [1] of Okorun Quarters, Ikare, Western Nigeria. The year of his birth has traditionally been given as 1879. At the time of his birth, there was no birth registry in Ikare. The art of writing and therefore the keeping of records, had not yet become popular in that locality. We therefore have no authentic record of his birth date.
His life began with a strange experience his mother had. Madam Odijoroto,–also of the same royal house [2],–was in the bush where she had gone to cut firewood while she was heavy with child. She fetched more firewood than she could lift by herself.

Welcome to Ogo-Oluwa Olomowewe C&S Church Official Website

Welcome to Ogo-Oluwa Olomowewe C&S Church Official Website